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We crafted this hand-made scented candle with a magical aroma for all lonely souls who long for desire, excitement and the wind of new love. The candle’s magical aroma might help to:

  • Attract a new person of your dreams;
  • Forge a harmonious and close relationship;
  • Find happiness and joy in such a relationship;
  • Add love and material joy.

In Norse mythology Freyja was the goddess of fertility, love and passion. Freyja was considered to be the most desired goddess. Her love was sought by giants and gods, but she agreed to marry only the chief god Odin.  The Norse goddess Freya corresponds to Venus or Aphrodite in the pantheon of Ancient Greek and Roman gods.


Head notes:


Heart note:


Base note:
Secret magic ingredient


The magic fragrance of this candle is based on old customs, traditions and the belief that every plant or aroma has its own magical purpose. It is like a witch recipe, where each plant and its aroma have a very important aromatherapic and magic function. The main notes supplement each other with aromatherapic properties and create a high-end fragrance pyramid where each scent has its place in harmony with other aromas.


Verbena: the aroma of verbena is believed to act as an aphrodisiac and improve sexual functions. This aroma helps people, suffering from depression, to feel better, calms, refreshes mind and body, boosts spirit and helps to fight stress. It also helps to fight insomnia and absent-mindedness.

Jasmine: in India jasmine used to be called “Moonshine in the garden”. Young girls adorned their hair with jasmine blossoms and used them for cosmetic purposes. Cleopatra is said to have had seduced Marc Antony by using jasmine oil during their official meetings in order to arouse his desires.

Rose: this aroma is particularly recommended for women who lack confidence in their charm and sexual maturity. Rose aroma is also considered a good remedy against frigidity in both women and men.


Together with this soy wax candle you will get:

A detailed description of the candle’s purpose; a description of the aromatherapic effect of different scents; a simple meditation/affirmation ritual that will help you to attract to your life a new person, possessing the qualities of your dreams. The scented candle will help to create harmonious partnership with such a person as well as to enrich this partnership with love and material joy.





0.2 kg


7.5 × 7.5 × 10 cm


Wooden wick which crackles as it burns. It is important to trim a wooden wick. The ash can be easily broken off and all the debris should be removed from the jar. Then the flame will come right back to life. 


We pour our candles exlusively from natural soy wax that does not emit toxic chemical compounds when burning; burns three times as long as ordinary candles; does not leave any stains, the spills are easy to clean;does not get hot, as it burns in lower temperature than paraffin, therefore the aroma of the candle emanates slowly and unchanged; certified by OU Kosher agency as kosher.We never use any other natural waxes (e.g. palm wax), because we want to create a truly nature-friendly product that would help to preserve natural resources and would not harm the user in any way.

Burning time

Estimated candle burning time 50 hours. All our scented candles are hand crafted, each of them is unique, therefore their weight and burning duration may differ.

Candle jar

In order to join the fight for preserving a cleaner world, for our scented candles we use containers made by cutting of the top part of used glass bottles. By thoroughly polishing edges, placing our logo and fitting a wooden lid we bring thee glass containers back to life, where they may be reused for numerous times. We sincerely believe that we are doing at least a little for preserving a cleaner world.



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