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We dedicate this hand-made soy-wax aromatic candle with the aroma of ambergris, patchouli and myrrh to those who aspire to improve their financial situation. Even with a touch of magic financial luck will only come to people who put in some effort, struggle and aim for it. However, sometimes a bit of supernatural help is necessary and that’s why the magical fragrance of the candle and a simple meditation/affirmation ritual might help to:

  • Open paths and opportunities for financial flows to reach your home;
  • Realize your plans related to the material plane of life;
  • Plan income and expense;
  • Protect your material wealth from unexpected expense and jealousy of others.

In Norse mythology, god Freyr is the patron of fertility and prosperity. With the help of Freyr this candle will allow to plant a seed of the magical money tree that brings financial wealth to your home.


Head note:



Heart note:


Base note:



The magic fragrance of this candle is based on old customs, traditions and the belief that every plant or aroma has its own magical purpose. It is like a witch recipe, where each plant and its aroma have a very important aromatherapic and magic function. The main notes supplement each other with aromatherapic properties and create a high-end fragrance pyramid where each scent has its place in harmony with other aromas.


Patchouli: helps to survive and reduce grief, nourishes, invigorates, induces feelings of power, determination and self-confidence. Patchouli essential oil intensifies sensuality, helps to heal from frigidity and impotence. Patchouli essential oil creates an atmosphere of peacefulness, tranquility and love. Since ancient times patchouli has been believed to attract wealth.

Ambergris: it is one of the most-highly prized ingredients of perfume. The smell of ambergris is characterized by unique invigorating evening musk aroma with oriental notes. Ambergris has been long considered a symbol of luxury and power.

Myrrh: The fragrance of myrrh helps to sort out thoughts, prevents from indulging into non-relevant details. This scent is particularly suitable for meditation, as it helps to ward off egocentric thoughts, restores the objectivity and adequacy of one’s psychological state, calms irritation, and improves sleep.


Together with this soy wax candle you will get:

A detailed description of the candle’s purpose; a description of the aromatherapic effect of different scents; a simple meditation/affirmation ritual that will help you to reveal the powers of the aromatic candle. With the help of Freyr, the god of fertility and prosperity, these powers might allow financial wealth to reach your home. This scented candle will help you realize plans and aspiration related to the material plane of life.




0.2 kg


7.5 × 7.5 × 10 cm


Wooden wick which crackles as it burns. It is important to trim a wooden wick. The ash can be easily broken off and all the debris should be removed from the jar. Then the flame will come right back to life. 


We pour our candles exlusively from natural soy wax that does not emit toxic chemical compounds when burning; burns three times as long as ordinary candles; does not leave any stains, the spills are easy to clean;does not get hot, as it burns in lower temperature than paraffin, therefore the aroma of the candle emanates slowly and unchanged; certified by OU Kosher agency as kosher.We never use any other natural waxes (e.g. palm wax), because we want to create a truly nature-friendly product that would help to preserve natural resources and would not harm the user in any way.

Burning time

Estimated candle burning time 50 hours. All our scented candles are hand crafted, each of them is unique, therefore their weight and burning duration may differ.

Candle jar

In order to join the fight for preserving a cleaner world, for our scented candles we use containers made by cutting of the top part of used glass bottles. By thoroughly polishing edges, placing our logo and fitting a wooden lid we bring thee glass containers back to life, where they may be reused for numerous times. We sincerely believe that we are doing at least a little for preserving a cleaner world.



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